Utah Interventions
If your family is considering a drug intervention for someone you care for in Utah, you are already going through challenging circumstances. There is nothing in your past that could have prepared you for this situation. Holding a drug or alcohol intervention can be an effective way to get an addicted loved one into treatment, but only if you can avoid the most common mistakes families make when planning one.
Common Mistakes Families Make when Planning an Intervention
1. No Clear Treatment Plan in Place
Ideally, the family will have made arrangements for the addict to go directly to a treatment center directly from the intervention. The intervention specialist likely will have recommended facilities that he or she has worked well with in the past if you don’t already have a program picked out. Either way, ensuring there is ample communication with the rehab program before and after arrival is key.
2. Making Requests of the Addict Without Clear Consequences
Most families have likely used various strategies to try to get their addicted loved one to change, without success. Make sure that your loved one understands that they have the choice to turn down the help being offered. If they make that choice, there will be distinct consequences from the family going forward, such as no more financial or emotional support.
3. Waiting Until the Addict has hit “Rock Bottom”
There is no advantage to waiting to hold an intervention when dealing with a person who is addicted to drugs. They aren’t likely to decide to get help on their own, and waiting only makes their addiction more entrenched and harder to treat.
4. Conducting the Intervention without a Professional Interventionist
An intervention has a much better chance of succeeding if it is held under the supervision of a professional interventionist in Utah. They can ensure that the process stays on track and doesn’t turn into an attempt to blame the addict for their disease. The interventionist can also make sure that the family members don’t become overly emotional when speaking to the addict, either breaking down or becoming angry.
The best time to schedule an addiction intervention in Utah is as soon as your family realizes your loved one has a problem. Waiting only allows the problem to worsen.
Contact us today for help finding an interventionist and successful treatment options.