Hawaii Drug Interventions
Does someone you care about have a substance abuse problem? It’s an issue that is all too common among families today. Hawaii is a beautiful place to live and work; however it also has its share of issues with drugs being brought in from the mainland. For families dealing with the issue of addiction, there are good reasons to contact a Hawaii drug interventionist for help.
Why Contact a Hawaii Drug Interventionist for Help
1. The Family Doesn’t Know What to Say Anymore
When you get to the point where your family is done talking, reasoning with, getting frustrated or angry at your addicted loved one and the situation still doesn’t change, it’s time to contact a professional interventionist for help. It’s time to get help from someone who can come in and provide help and guidance from a different perspective.
2. The Person has Been to Treatment and Has Relapsed
Addiction is a chronic disease. People living with it need to make changes that they need to stick to for the rest of their lives. It’s not uncommon for a recovering addict to slip and use their drug of choice and have to get back on track or have a full-on relapse.
The Hawaii drug interventionist can look at the types of treatment programs your loved one has completed previously. They will help the family find one that may be more successful.
3. Your Loved One Has a Mental Illness and an Addiction
If your loved one is dealing with more than one issue, it can be difficult to determine which parts of their behavior are due to their mental health concerns and which ones stem from their substance abuse. They need to go for treatment at a facility where they can get help for their dual diagnosis (mental illness and addiction). An interventionist can help your family determine whether the treatment program you are considering offers dual diagnosis treatment.
4. There is Talk of Suicide
Drug use can change a user’s brain leading to impulsive ideas. In some instances, a person may decide that they are lost or worthless and the only solution is to end their own life. An immediate intervention is required to get the person who is talking about taking their own life into treatment so that they can get professional help. Contact a Hawaii drug interventionist to ask about scheduling a crisis intervention for your loved one in this instance.